Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Olympic Games - APS 2012

I liked playing with Zayden and Jaladhi at the Olympics. I liked dodge ball and I was in the middle.

I was in the green team for the Olympics and we made the tallest flag. 

I liked playing all the games at the Olympics and I liked playing the game where you have to steal all the eggs. 
It was the school Olympics and I was in the purple team.
I played dodge ball and I liked it when purple had to throw all the balls and the other team had to get the balls. Harrison was the last one in the circle.

I was in the red team for the Olympics and  we tip toed through the rings. I was puffed.

On Wednesday I stayed in my group for a long time. We played lots of games.
We had the school Olympic games with Helen. I was in yellow team. I loved it. 
My favourite Olympic game was rob the nest and I liked being in the yellow team.
I liked my team getting a gold medal.

Our Olympic Breakfast

We had breakfast at the hall and I liked sitting at the table and eating.
I had some Nutrigrains, toast, spaghetti and some fruit. The fruit was mandarines, bananas and kiwifruit.

I had some toast at the breakfast. I put Nutella on my toast.
I had scrambled eggs and peaches but not together.

I loved the breakfast and I had scrambled eggs. I also had peaches and I like eating the strawberries and bananas.
My mum helped and she gave everyone mango and peaches.

I like having breakfast at the hall and I ate two bits of toast and I had spaghetti.
I was sitting next to Journee and Emily-Dora.
We brought some bananas to share with everybody.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Getting ready for the Art Exhibition

Asha T.
I am painting my picture at the hall. I was there on Friday.

I went to the hall and painted a picture of me. I made skin colour paint on my paper.

I went to the hall on Friday and I painted my face. Alex was there too.

On Friday I went to the hall and I painted my face on a canvas.