Monday, February 20, 2012

Life in the pool

The class are thoroughly enjoying their time in the pool. Often their comment at the end of the day regarding their best part of the day is referring to their time in the pool.
Some comments
Maison, "I can swim underwater."
James, " I can go underwater."
Emily-Dora, "I love swimming."
Mya, " I can put my head under."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Settling into class

There were 8 new children starting in Trafalgar Room at the beginning of term. They are a great wee group and with my 6 who started at the end of last year we are settling into routines very well.
We have moved into the old Victory Classroom while we wait for our own classroom to be upgraded.
We have a wee shop in class and the children are enjoying shopping sprees and acting as shop keepers.